
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2014

Inquiry Letter

Inquiry Letter is a letter written to request information and/or ascertain its authenticity. A letter of inquiry deals with various matters like job vacancies, funding, grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-proposals and others. The term is common in various business setups as it implies fund request or pre-proposal information. Owing to this usage, the term may be considered exclusive to these setups alone. But that is not the case, to this effect the below definition offers a justified meaning.  Usually this letter is a first step in building a business or cooperation of the two parties, namely to providers of products / services and buyers of products / services. Part Of Inquiry Letter How To Make A Good Inquiry Latter Be courteous. Remember, by making this request you are imposing on the reader’s time and/or resources. Don’t send an inquiry letter for information you could easily find out by other means, such as with a qui...

Curriculum Vitae format

Name Sex Nationality Date of birth Contact Address • Physical address:………… … • P.O.Box:………… ….. • Phone Number:………… …. • Email:………… … … …. Education Information o University Degree & Major, Date (if applicable to you)  Name and place of university o High School, Date  Name and place of high school  Subject combination (if applicable) Employment Information(if applicable) o Job Title, Employer, Dates  Responsibilities o Job Title, Employer, Dates  Responsibilities Public Service & Volunteer Work o Job Title, Organization, Dates  Responsibilities & Activities o Job Title, Organization, Dates  Responsibilities & Activities Languages spoken and Ability o 1… o 2… o 3…. Other Relevant Information o Other professional or education experience that makes you interesting, such as any awards, professional memberships, special skills, etc Referees: o …….. o …….. EXAMPLES OF...

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum Vitae: an outline of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications. A CV is designed to show that you are a scholar who has conducted research, presented your work at conferences, taught, and published articles. A CV is used to showcase your academic achievements and scholarly potential. CVs are mostly used when applying for faculty positions, for grants or fellowships or for research positions in industry, academia or government. Whenever your research productivity and teaching experience would be valued, a CV is the way to go. On the other hand, a CV can get quite long and that’s OK.  You can use a CV to showcase all of your academic achievements, including honors and awards, teaching experience, grants you’ve received and research you’ve done, if you’re applying to a college faculty position. One survey of employers fo und that the following aspects were most looked for (From the brilliant 2010 Orange County Resum...

Application Letter

The meaning of an application letter An application letter is a formally written one-page letter that accompanies a resume and other requested documentation in application for a job or academic program. Application letters are often synonymous with cover letters, and in addition to describing what materials are included in the application, an application letter should also take time to highlight the qualifications that prepare the writer for acceptance into the job or academic program. Application letters typically begin with an introductory paragraph that states the position being applied to, reveals how the minimum qualifications for the position are met and asks the reader to continue reading to learn more about the applicant's qualifications. Paragraphs that follow the introduction paragraph typically highlight the top reasons the applicant should be considered. For experienced applicants, these paragraphs typically highlight work experience and workplace projects of ...

Cara Membuat Akta Notaris

Akta Notaris merupakan bukti yang sempurna sehingga tidak perlu lagi dibuktikan dengan pembuktian lain selama ketidakbenarannya tidak dapat dibuktikan. Berdasarkan   KUH Perdata   pasal 1866 dan HIR 165, akta notaris merupakan alat bukti tulisan atau surat pembuktian yang utama sehingga dokumen ini merupakan alat bukti persidangan yang memiliki kedudukan yang sangat penting. Dalam berbisnis kita juga memerlukan dokumen-dokumen penting lain salah satunya adalah Akte Notaris Akta Notaris   adalah dokumen resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh   notaris   menurut KUH Perdata   pasal   1870 dan   HIR   pasal 165 (Rbg 285) yang mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian mutlak dan mengikat . Akta ini memiliki kekuatan pembuktian di hadapan pengadilan yang paling kuat dibandingkan alat bukti surat lainnya. Perbedaan utama dibanding akta lainnya adalah kesaksian Notaris terhadap kapan dan dimana serta siapa yang melakukan  perbuatan hukum yang tecntum dalam akt...